A Pathway To Being Better, Doing Better (Part 4 of 4)

We have reached the final installment of this series on the pathway to Being Better, Doing Better. The previous 3 postings covered the thematic areas of telescopes, microscopes, and mirrors. In our final installment we take a look at resources that are intended to be “brief”, and ideally serve as a springboard into one of our other thematic areas. This is why the final thematic area is called Binoculars and Magnifying Glasses. 

As you work your way through the resources below they are certain to provide you with many moments of deeper thinking, questioning many things you have been led to believe, and providing broader perspectives on their subject matter. I actually found it quite useful to listen to the podcasts more than once since there was so much content I wanted to delve into deeper, hence me sharing many of the book titles I have listed in the previous posts. While the list below has been carefully curated, there is lots more to access beyond it. In fact, I would highly recommend subscribing to several of them since the episodic content is so well done and is literally food for thought.

We Talk Different:
Episode 35- “What Does It Mean To Be White” Edition Part 1

Episode 37- “What Does It Mean To Be White” Edition Part 2

Episode 27- The “White Fragility” Episode Part 1

Episode 29- The “White Fragility” Edition Part 2

Episode 99- The White Fragility with Dr. Robin DiAngelo Edition

Code Switch:
Code Switch Goes To College

Ask Code Switch: School Daze

Behind The Lies My Teacher Told Me

Respect Yourself

On Strike!! Blow It Up!!

Love and Walkouts

Revisionist History:
Miss Buchanan’s Period of Adjustment

The Hug Heard Round The World

General Chapman’s Last Stand

My Little Hundred Million

Michael Eric Dyson’s ‘Sermon To White America’

How Charter Schools Are Prolonging Segregation

The Breakdown Episode 29

The Good Ancestor Episode 1 and Episode 9

The Atlantic: Myth of Meritocracy

The Atlantic: Myth of Learning Styles

While there are lots more resources I could share here this should provide a very solid understanding of how this thematic area works and hopefully be a catalyst for you to further explore your own learning in these areas. I hope to cross paths at some point soon with as many of you as possible to share thoughts around the content in this series and hopefully share ideas on how we can work together going forward. Thanks for taking the time to read and  listen.

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